
56. interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.
【分析】本句是并排规划,骨干是一个简略句:interest has arisen less through …and more from….。并排状语less through …and more from的翻译是要害,through和from意思完全相同,标明缘由,直译为:比照少的是因为……,更多的缘由是…… 。
【词汇】 interest in historical methods 对前史办法的重视(快乐喜爱)
arise from 来自于,发生于; validity 真实性,正确性
internal quarrels内有些歧

57. women who live in areas of high air pollution, exposed to invisible particles from traffic fumes, coal-fired power stations and wood fires, are at increased risk of heart disease and death, according to a study.
【分析】主语women后是定语从句 who live in areas of high air pollution,exposed to invisible particles from traffic fumes, coal-fired power stations and wood fires是分词规划做定语,润饰主语women。系表有些are at increased risk of heart disease and death是谓语有些。
【词汇】be exposed to露出于

at increased risk of越来越…的风险

58. the teachers who took part in the program also told me of their worries that they might be force-feeding their pupils information rather than stimulating the discussion necessary to ensure they grasped the importance to them of what they were being taught.
【分析】主语the teachers 后跟who引导的定语从句。also told me of their worries是谓语有些,their worries后跟that引导的同位语从句that they might be force-feeding their pupils information rather than stimulating the discussion阐明worries的具体内容。necessary to ensure是描述词规划润饰discussion。ensure后边的宾语是一个省掉了引导词that的宾语从句they grasped the importance of what they were being taught。to them是刺进语,“对他们”。
【词汇】tell sb. of sth.奉告或人某事
force-feed强行灌注(force-feed sb. sth.)
stimulate 激起
grasp the importance of…掌控…的方法,要害内容

59. the trouble with that approach is that consumers tend to prefer devices that require simply plugging them in, without complicated setups of wireless channels, security, and other features common to home networks.
【分析】the trouble with that approach是主语,留心此处的that恰当于the,不是引导从句。表语有些由that引导的表语从句that consumers tend to prefer devices…充当。device后是that引导的定语从句 that require simply plugging them in…,联络代词that在从句中作主语。逗号后的介词短语 without complicated setups of wireless channels, security, and other features…作从句中的状语,句末的描述词规划common to home networks后置作features的定语。
plug in刺进;
home network家庭网络
【参阅译文】 这一方法的疑问在于,花费者喜爱的设备一般是可以简略刺进,不需要创建凌乱的无线电频道、平安维护以及家庭网络所共有的其他特性。

60. in its 16 years of operation it has found the first convincing evidence for the existence of black holes, made observations supporting the theory that the universe’s expansion is accelerating and confirmed that dark matter exists.
【分析】句首in its 16 years of operation作时刻状语,以and为切入点,得到主句it has found…, made…and confirmed…其间made后的宾语中,包括如今分词规划supporting the theory…作后置定语,而其间that引导同位语从句that the universe’s expansion is accelerating说明阐明theory的内容;而confirmed后的宾语由that引导的名词性从句that dark matter exists充当。
【词汇】convincing evidence令人服气的根据;


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