英专学硕-外语言语学-考研笔记-1-3-3 – 哔哩哔哩(英专学硕考研)

英专学硕-外语言语学-考研笔记-1-3-3 – 哔哩哔哩(英专学硕考研)缩略图

chapter one——language and linguistics
1-1-1术语背诵on language
1-1-2 the definition of language-广度
1-1-3 the design feature of language-广度
1-1-4-1论说题on language-常规默写题
1-1-4-2论说题on language-材料归纳题
1-2——「functions of language」
1-2-1 functions of language-[基础知道]
1-2-2 functions of language-[标准答题]
1-3-1——the definition of linguistics
1-3-2——branches of microlinguistics
1-3-3——branches of macrolinguistics
1-3-4——major distinctions in linguistics
英专学硕-外语言语学-考研笔记-1-3-3 – 哔哩哔哩(英专学硕考研)插图
hapter three——morphology
linguistics is not the only field concerned with language. other disciplines such as psychology, sociology, ethnography, ai etc. preoccupied with language, are called marcolinguistic.[胡]
the study of language as a whole is called general linguistics.[星火+戴]
language and society are closely connected. the language a person uses often reveals his social background, and there exist social norms that determine the type of language to be used on a certain occasion; and language changes are often caused by social changes. the studies of all these social aspects of language and its relation with society form the core of the branch called「sociolinguistics」.[戴]
「psycholinguistics」relates the study of language to psychology. lt aims to answer such questions as how the human mind works when we use language, how we as infants acquire our mother tongue, how we memorize, and how we process the information we receive in the course of communication.[戴]
findings in linguistic studies can often be applied to the solution of such practical problems as the recovery of speech ability. the study of such applications is generally known as「applied linguistics」. but in a narrow sense, applied linguistics refers to the application of linguistic theories and principles to language teaching, especially the teaching of foreign and second languages.[戴]
「psycholinguistics」investigates the interrelation of language and mind, in processing and producing utterances and in language acquisition for example.
「sociolinguistics」is a universal term which covers a variety of different domains in language and society, including the social functions of language and social characteristics(社会特征) of its users.[胡-up主改编]
社会言语学研讨语音功用的特征、言语变体的特征(the characteristics of language varieties)、说话者的特征,以及这三者如何在言语集体中发扬平稳作用、进行稳态改变。[胡-up主改编]
社会言语学测验去树立言语变体对说话者的符号性价值(symbolic value),也一起起到标准社会规则、标准集体的言语行为等作用。[胡-up主改编]
the fact that language varieties come to take on symbolic or symptomatic value, in and of themselves, is an inevitable consequence of their functional differentiation.[胡]
啥是「language varieties」?当前我不晓得~到后边的章节「language, culture and society」才学到。
「anthropological linguistics」
作为一门学科,研讨言语的前史比人类学的前史略微长一些(somewhat older than anthropology).
在前期,人类学家曾学习言语学家在非书写言语(unwritten languages)的研讨,进而这两个学科就紧密联络起来了。
非书写言语,就拿声响来说,无法被录音,不在当下就没有痕迹可寻。因而,anthropological linguists must begin in the present, with comparisons of change in language that may have occurred in the past and that may account for similarities and different observed in the present.
即,人类言语学家有必要从现代言语 ,经过比照去反推言语曩昔如何发生改变,并对今世言语之间的类似性和差异性作出说明。
典型的言语学家会思考:“两种或更多的今世言语是不是源自相同的一种远古言语(diverge from a common ancestral language)?”“假定它们有联络,那从啥时分隔端变得不一样?”
「computational linguistics」
it is an interdisciplinary field which centers around the use of computers to process or produce human language.
human language also known as natural language, to distinguish it from computer language.
saussure’s book <course in general linguistics> symbolizes the biginning of modern linguistics.
《一般言语学-s哥(那个界说langue, parole, arbitrariness的哥们~)》的出书,标志着如今言语学的初步。
(a).linguistics is descriptive(描绘式) while traditional grammar is prescriptive(规则式).
(b).modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, not the written.
(c).modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar also in that it does not force language into a latin-based framework, but consider it as general framework.
the former describe how thing are. the later prescribe how things ought to be.[胡]
if a linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, it is said to be「descriptive」.
if the linguistic study aims to lay down rules for “correct and standard” behavior in using language, i.e. to tell people what they should say and what they should not say, it is said to be「prescriptive」.


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